Chemo #3 (of 8)

An update on Mervyn’s progress. He’s in good form, hopping around and generally well. He had his 3rd Chemo today following  another delay with bloods, he had a 10% reduction in the Vinblastine dose to try avoid the impact on his white blood cell count. After his next treatment, he will have 4 more sessions spaced two weeks apart. He’s such a sweetheart and is taking this all in his stride however we can’t help but feel sorry for his loss of exuberance and the way he used to fly around the house at high speed, stealing things and being mischievous. We miss our walks with him and we cant take him out with a low white blood count to minimize risk of infection. Thankfully we have a large garden to explore. We see so many posts and videos of dogs flying around, we wonder how long it will take post op and post chemo to see the energy return? He has lost 3kg understandably (26kg now) and although we are watching his food intake to keep his weight good, we cant help but feel he should be having a little extra😆 to spoil him! We take a trip soon and are very lucky that for the few days, one of the Vet nurses has agreed to mind him in our home, we weren’t happy with him visiting his usual kennels considering all his new needs, maybe next time. Ps his toy is new, his name is Teddy, we removed Teddy’s right leg and stitched him up to empathise with Mervyn 😉

4 thoughts on “Chemo #3 (of 8)”

  1. Oh Mervyn look at that smile! You sure do look as hoppy and vibrant as anyone would considering what you have been through. You WILL race around the house again and entertain your people with the zoomies, I just know it.

    How long will that take? Well every dog is different. You will get there and as long as your vet isn’t concerned there is no reason why you won’t. We have faith my friend!

    As for the treats, oh gosh what about yummy low cal bananas or blueberries or things like that? Your vet sure won’t object.


    I’m not familiar with the “side effects” of CNNU and what’s considered normal or not. My completely “unprofessional” thought is that maybe rhe chemo is keeping him a little less “sparkly” than normally. And not being able to do his walks probably irks him a little too!

    But if you look at that happy smiling boy in the photo, he certainly isn’t worried about whether he’s doing zoomies or not! He’s very content with Teddy and all the spoiling!

    Check out the nutrition link/blogs. There are lots of low cal treats, veggies, etc he may like so he doesn’t feel deprived. I know a lot of dogs like green beans.

    You ca. also post a thread in the forums to ask others about any side effects they experienced with CNNU. Ot ,at ve thst rhe low WBC is keeping him on a slower pace right now too. It is sooooo jard mot yo compare recoveries. Every dog is different, every recovery is different! Mervyn is doing his own thing at his own pace that works for him.

    Keep on keep kn handsome! And keep posting pictures, they make us all smile, really big smiles!!!😁😁

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. Oops…got the name of the chemo wrong.
    And just saw the pics from Mervyn’s very first blog. I fell in love all over again!!❤💜🧡💛💚💙

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